We Love our Surgery Suite!
**Anesthesia safety is of the utmost importance; thus we employ extensive monitoring by RVTs & by modern anesthetic monitoring equipment.
We use 100% Sevoflurane gas anesthesia, which is the anesthetic of choice for human children.
Dr. Hines, spays & neuters several pets a month. Many of these are for local shelters.
She enjoys the challenge of other surgical procedures including, but not limited to,
Exploratory Laparotomy, Cystotomy (to remove urinary bladder stones), Mass Removals, Cruciate Ligament Stabilization, Feline declawing & Oral Surgery.
With such a wide variety, our RVTs are able to utilize all their skills assisting Dr. Hines!
Morgan, RVT, actively monitors the pet under general anesthesia prior to the start of surgery.