"Grow old with me! The best is yet to be." - Robert Browning
As our four legged friends get older, they deserve a little special treatment. Many times we dismiss lameness or stiffness as merely results of getting older. And while aging leads to these issues, there are many things that can be done to help your pet stay active and happy throughout their 'golden years'. Once your pet has turned 7-8 years old, we recommend some diagnostic testing. Depending upon your pet, these may include: *Bloodwork - to screen for changes that indicate diseases, such as diabetes, kidney or liver disease. *Digital Radiographs - to screen for heart and lung changes that may signal problems or to look for arthritis. *Urinalysis - to screen for infections, kidney disease or diabetes
Our doctor will work with you to determine which tests are indicated, and will help you with a plan should the testing indicate a problem.
We can give our pets longer, healthier lives when we discover problems early and begin treatment early. There are many different kinds of treatment for almost any condition, including not only medications, but nutritional supplements and prescription diets to help joint function, liver and kidney function, urinary and digestive tract issues and more. And, of course, laser therapy too!